by GitRog67fR23 | Oct 30, 2014 | Students
This is Mike. He has been studying with Roger for 2 years and is one of his finest adult students.
by GitRog67fR23 | Oct 30, 2014 | Students
This is Dylan. He has been taking lessons with Roger for over 2 years and is one of the best 11 year old players around.
by GitRog67fR23 | Oct 30, 2014 | Students
This is Brent. He was the President of Southwestern College where Roger teaches. He is new student, and is going to be a great player.
by GitRog67fR23 | Oct 30, 2014 | Students
Fifteen year old Steven cuts a mean pose with his Les Paul electric. Steve has been taking lessons with Roger for 3 years and plays excellent rhythm guitar for Plamcroft Baptist Church youth praise band. Way to go Steven!
by GitRog67fR23 | Oct 30, 2014 | Students
This is Juel and Roger’s dog Shadow. Juel has been taking lessons with Roger for 6 years and proves that students of all age groups can learn and have fun with the guitar.